Projects Registry entry

Define which Sapphire projects a user has access to.


This Registry entry specifies which projects a user / group has access to and the order in which they will be listed when a user logs in to the project Dashboard.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users and groups:

Key User Group Group
Key 1 User Group Group
Key 2 user group Default
Key 3 Projects
Value id;id;...


is a semicolon separated list of project IDs defined when the project was named.

The order in which the IDs are listed is the order in which they will be listed when a user logs in to the project Dashboard.


The following example specifies that user gerard has access to two projects and the Herbarium Digitisation project will be listed before the Palaeontology Imaging project:



Key 1 User
Key 2 gerard
Key 3 Projects
Value botany-herbarium;paleo